eduke32 (engine for Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Ion Fury) EDuke32 [1] is a fork of the JFDuke3D port of Duke Nukem 3D (aka Duke3D), merging it with EDuke to provide many new features for mod authors. Included in the package are: - eduke32 (Duke Nukem 3D engine; also plays Nam/Napalm and WWII GI) [3] - voidsw (Shadow Warrior engine) - fury (Ion Fury engine) - mapster32 (map editor for Duke Nukem 3D) - wangulator (map editor for Shadow Warrior) - the Build engine tools (kextract, kgroup, etc) [2] To play the games, you will need the .GRP file from each game. See README_game_data.txt. If you want to play the HRP (High Resolution Pack) in eduke32, install the eduke32_hires_pack package from There's also a jfsw_hires_pack that works with voidsw. Notes: [1] Despite the "32" in the name, this software builds and runs just fine as 64-bit native binaries :) [2] If you're installing both eduke32 and jfsw, don't build jfsw with TOOLS=yes (or else the packages will conflict). [3] eduke32 is no longer capable of playing BloodCM, because BloodCM's last release was in 2016. The bloodcm build has been removed from SBo. If you want to play Blood, install nblood.