The variables used in the script, which you would probably adjust according to your wish, are: 1) repodir="/home/$user/slackbuilds" # Repository for slackbuilds. 2) srcdir="/home/$user/src" # Where the downloaded source packages are to be placed. # Leave it blank for saving it in the same directory as the slackbuild. 3) outdir="/home/$user/packages" # Where the build package will be placed. # Leave it blank for putting it in /tmp. 4) gitdir="/home/$user/git/slackbuilds/.git" # Directory where the slackbuilds git repository is present. 5) editor="/usr/bin/vim" # Editor for viewing/editing slackbuilds. 6) buildflags="MAKEFLAGS=-j2" # Common build flags specified while building packages These variables can be configured via editing /etc/asbt/asbt.conf