.. RST source for flite(1) man page. Convert with: .. rst2man.py flite.rst > flite.1 .. rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package. .. |version| replace:: 2.0.0 .. |date| date:: ====== flite ====== --------------------------------- a small simple speech synthesizer --------------------------------- :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: SlackBuilds.org :Authors: `Alan W. Black`; `Kevin Lorenzo` :Date: |date| :Version: |version| :Copyright: See /usr/doc/flite-|version|/COPYING for full copyright information on flite. This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL. SYNOPSIS ======== flite [*-options*] [*text/file*] [*wavefile*] DESCRIPTION =========== Converts text in *text/file* to a waveform in *wavefile*. If *text/file* contains a space, it is treated as a literal text string and spoken, and not as a file name. If *text/file* is omitted or **-**, text will be read from standard input. If *wavefile* is unspecified or **play**, the result is played on the current systems audio device. If *wavefile* is **none**, the waveform is discarded (good for benchmarking). Any other options must appear before *text/file* and/or *wavefile*. The full documentation for **flite** can be read as a GNU info file with the command **info flite**, or as HTML in */usr/doc/flite-|version|/html/index.html*. OPTIONS ======= .. notice the **-opt** *param* stuff? rst's option recognition .. can't handle non-GNU-style options like -option (it thinks the .. option is -o, and the ption is the parameter). So we have to help .. it out a little. --version Output flite version number -?, -h, --help Output usage string -o WAVEFILE Explicitly set output filename -f TEXTFILE Explicitly set input filename -t TEXT Explicitly set input textstring -p PHONES Explicitly set input textstring and synthesize as phones **--set** *F=V* Set feature (guesses type) **-s** *F=V* Set feature (guesses type) **--seti** *F=V* Set int feature **--setf** *F=V* Set float feature **--sets** *F=V* Set string feature **-ssml** Read input text/file in ssml mode -b Benchmark mode -l Loop endlessly **-voice** *NAME* Use voice *NAME* (*NAME* can be filename or url too) **-voicedir** *NAME* Directory containing voice data **-lv** List voices available **-add_lex** *FILENAME* add lex addenda from *FILENAME* **-pw** Print words **-ps** Print segments **-psdur** Print segments and their durations (end-time) **-pr** *RelName* Print relation *RelName* **-voicedump** *FILENAME* Dump selected (cg) voice to *FILENAME* -v Verbose mode SEE ALSO ======== The flite homepage: http://www.festvox.org/flite/