PulseAudio emulation for ALSA. Any app that requires pulseaudio can be run as such: $ apulse [parameters] PulseAudio is not required. Speex is recommended for greater compatibility. The SlackBuild now detects a multilib machine and will build with COMPAT32 libraries. If you have a reason to bypass this, run: # COMPAT32=no sh apulse.SlackBuild The multilib version will create two binaries, apulse (64-bit) and apulse32 (32-bit), unless you choose to install the libraries globally. The default is for libraries to be installed in: /usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/apulse To override this setting and install the libraries directly into the /usr/lib*/ directories, run: GLOBAL_LIBS=yes sh apulse.SlackBuild The advantage of this, is the ability for pulseaudio emulation in several applications beyond those originally intended by the apulse project, such as games from gog.com. The disadvantage of this 'global' build type, is that some programs (such as Google Chrome) will believe you have pulseaudio installed and may not have sound.