Sonic Visualiser is an application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files. The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when want to study a musical recording rather than simply listen to it. This requires ladspa_sdk, vamp-plugin-sdk, rubberband, and liblrdf. Also, one (or both) of either jack-audio-connection-kit or portaudio is required for audio playback. Note to x86_64 users: if sonic-visualiser can't seem to find any VAMP plugins you've installed, you may have to 'export VAMP_PATH=/usr/lib64/vamp'. The SBo vamp-plugin-sdk (v2.1, build 2) package at the time of this writing still defaults to using /usr/lib/vamp. Future builds of vamp-plugin-sdk should address this.