unsf (converts SoundFont .sf2 files into GUS-type instrument patches) UnSF is a tool to convert SoundFont (sf2) files into GUS patches. libunsf is a library that is used by UnSF. Some reasons you might want to do such a thing are: - Your MIDI player can use GUS patches but doesn't know how to read soundfonts. - You want a convenient way of substituting patches or reassigning banks of instruments by editing GUS config files. - You need to modify patches by changing amplitude, stripping envelopes, or make other changes that can easily be done by attaching options in config files. Note: the set of patches created by unsf will be quite a bit larger that the original .sf2 file. As an example, FluidR3_GM.sf2 (from fluid-soundfont) is a 142MB file, and it converts to almost 2GB of patches (size increased by a factor of 13.5).