Slim is a lightweight login manager based on GNUstep's It makes a great replacement for XDM for those who want something that looks good, but still do not want Gnome or KDE. This package also includes a BSD-style rc.d script to start slim; you will need to make /etc/rc.d/rc.slim executable: chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.slim Also, you will need to add something like this to /etc/rc.d/rc.local: if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.slim ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.slim start fi Note that your system should use runlevel 3 for this to work. I (rworkman) did a bit of tinkering to try and make slim work properly from runlevel 4 (starting it from rc.4) a few versions ago, but I was not successful, and it wasn't worth the effort to continue. Finally, if you have PAM installed and wish to build slim with support for it, have a look inside the build script for instructions; otherwise, it will work as is.