#!/bin/sh # wrapper script for domination, part of the SlackBuilds.org # project. Written by B. Watson, licensed under the WTFPL. # script is installed as domination and domination-swing, checks how # it was called to know what java class to invoke. PRGNAM=domination USERDIR="$HOME/.$PRGNAM" SHAREDIR="/usr/share/games/$PRGNAM" # program expects to read this stuff from the current directory. LINKS="Domination.jar help lib maps resources" [ ! -e "$USERDIR" ] && mkdir -p "$USERDIR" if ! cd "$USERDIR"; then echo "$0: failed to create/change to $USERDIR" 1>&2 exit 1 fi for dir in $LINKS; do [ ! -e $dir ] && ln -s $SHAREDIR/$dir $dir done # program expects to write to this stuff in the current dir. mkdir -p saves [ ! -e game.ini ] && cat $SHAREDIR/game.ini > game.ini if [ "$( basename "$0" )" = "$PRGNAM-swing" ]; then exec java -cp Domination.jar net.yura.domination.ui.swinggui.SwingGUIFrame "$@" else exec java -jar Domination.jar "$@" fi