openjazz (engine for Jazz Jackrabbit games) OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit games. OpenJazz can be compiled on a wide range of operating systems, including Windows 98/Me/XP and Linux. OpenJazz requires the files from any of the following games: - Jazz Jackrabbit Shareware Edition (included in this build) - Jazz Jackrabbit - Jazz Jackrabbit CD - Jazz Jackrabbit Christmas Edition - Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1995 OpenJazz will not work with any of the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 games. There is no support for saving/loading the game. Multiplayer is supported, but not well tested. For more information, see This build includes the data files from the shareware edition, installed in /usr/share/openjazz/shareware, and a wrapper script openjazz-shareware that runs them (along with a .desktop file that does the same). To run one of the other supported games, you'll need an installed/extracted copy of the game in its own directory, and you'll have to pass the directory path to openjazz as an argument. Example: $ openjazz /dosC/games/jazz Note that all the actual data files need to have UPPERCASE names, e.g. "BLOCKS.000". If yours are lowercase, you can use something like this: $ for i in *; do mv $i $( echo $i | tr a-z A-Z ); done