google-earth (Google's famous virtual globe) Google Earth is a virtual globe program. It maps a version of the Earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and GIS over a 3D globe. You point and zoom to any place on the planet that you want to explore. Satellite images and local facts zoom into view. Tap into Google search to show local points of interest and facts. Zoom to a specific address to check out an apartment or hotel. View driving directions and even fly along your route. The degree of resolution available is based somewhat on the points of interest, but most land (except for some islands) is covered in at least 15 meters of resolution. When running GoogleEarth for the first time, you will see an error message stating that it is unable to find the Bitstream Vera fonts. This should be safe to ignore - it will use other fonts (and the DejaVu fonts included with Slackware are based on the Bitstream fonts). NOTES: 1) Google updates the GoogleEarth bin-file without changing the download link location and they don't use version numbering in the filename (the version is more an internal numbering). Therefore, this script is subject to failing (and a different MD5SUM) at any time due to the fact that you might get a newer version of GoogleEarth than what the script is designed to use. Please notify the maintainer if this is the case. 2) Google Earth 7 is "LSB compliant" meaning it was built on a LSB system. Slackware however does not have that symlink which is part of the LSB 3.0 specification. You'll need to create the symlink manually after installing the package: ln -sf /lib/ /lib/ 3) Google Earth tends to crash when the 65-fonts-persion.conf is available on the system. Please remove /etc/fonts/conf.d/65-fonts-persian.conf prior launching this application. The easiest way to do this is: mv /etc/fonts/conf.d/65-fonts-persian.conf \ /etc/fonts/conf.d/65-fonts-persian.conf.old 4) GoogleEarth is a 32bit application only. You need to have the 32bit compatibility packages installed to have this work on a 64bit system. Otherwise you'll just see "no such file or directory" errors. I am aware that Google puts a 64bits debian package out, but this is a 32bits package with a 64bit wrapper for debian that installs multilib 5) GoogleEarth now requires that you have OpenGL drivers installed on your system (and Xorg configured to use them). Not doing so will cause X to crash.