#!/bin/sh # sd: the dictionaries collections manager for StarDict # # RUN THE BELOW COMMAND ONCE AS ROOT # # chgrp users /usr/share/stardict ; chmod 775 /usr/share/stardict ; exit # # RUN THE ABOVE COMMAND ONCE AS ROOT # if [ "$1" == "" ] then cd /usr/share/stardict/ ls -l | grep '\->' | sed 's/.* dic \->/dic ->/' ls | grep '^dic\.' elif [ "$1" == "?" ] then cd /usr/share/stardict/ for d in dic.* do echo ls -l | grep $d | sed 's/.* dic/dic/' ls -1 /usr/share/stardict/$d done elif [ "$2" == "?" ] then if [ -e /usr/share/stardict/dic.$1 ] then ls -1 /usr/share/stardict/dic.$1 else echo "There is no /usr/share/stardict/dic.$1." fi elif [ -e /usr/share/stardict/dic.$1 ] then if [ "$(ps ax | grep 'stardict' | grep -v 'grep')" != "" ] then killall stardict fi cd /usr/share/stardict/ rm dic ln -s dic.$1 dic cd if [ ! -e ~/.stardict/stardict.cfg.$1 ] then cp ~/.stardict/stardict.cfg.template ~/.stardict/stardict.cfg.$1 fi cp ~/.stardict/stardict.cfg.$1 ~/.stardict/stardict.cfg ls -l /usr/share/stardict/ | grep '\->' | sed 's/.* dic \->/dic ->/' ls -1 /usr/share/stardict/dic.$1 else echo "There is no /usr/share/stardict/dic.$1." fi