This plugin can be used to remove the gaps between two songs, or to smoothly crossfade inbetween. Features: * Crossfading Crossfade between two songs, i.e. fade out the end of the current song while fading in the beginning of the next for a smooth transition. Length and volume of the fadings can be adjusted separately for fading in and out. * Fadein/Fadeout Smoothly fadein/fadeout at the beginning or end of playback. * Continuous output Keeps the audio device opened when switching from one song to the next. When used with the Gap-Killer, this allows for seamless playback of whole albums without any audible interruption between the tracks. * Gap-Killer Removes the short gaps of silence at the beginning and/or end of mp3 files. These gaps are caused by some mp3-encoders. * Automatic detection of live albums Automatically detects live albums and pre-mixed tracks which already are crossfaded. For those tracks, crossfading can be disabled automatically. * High quality Audacious-crossfade can take special care to avoid the clicks some soundcards produce when suddenly being stopped. Also, it can improve quality when seeking within a song. * Secondary effect plugin: Audacious-crossfade allows you to select a second effect plugin. This is usefull for example when using the volume normalizing plugin together with the icecast plugin.