Vidalia README.SBo After installing Vidalia consider editing ~/.vidalia/torrc or /etc/tor/torrc accordingly: # Set the Tor Circuit Build time to find faster tor servers, increments # of seconds CircuitBuildTimeout 2 # connections while Tor is not in use. KeepalivePeriod 60 # Force Tor to consider whether to build a new circuit every NUM seconds. NewCircuitPeriod 15 # Set How many entry guards we should we keep at a time NumEntryGuards 8 To use Vidalia and Tor with Firefox you can use FoxyProxy or Privoxy. The development of Torbutton has been discontinued in favour of TBB, the Tor-Browser-Bundle. It's strongly recommended to stop using Torbutton. New versions of Vidalia are announced at And there is a mailing list for Vidalia users: As of version 0.2.10 vidalia supports the local GeoIP database from MaxMind. If the package hasn't been built with GEOIP=no, edit your vidalia.conf to enable using the database via the "UseLocalGeoIpDatabase" and "LocalGeoIpDatabase" options. For example: [General] UseLocalGeoIpDatabase=true LocalGeoIpDatabase=/var/lib/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat