## Modifications since version 2.x ### 16.3.6 * Fix shape of y-ogonek (used by Elfdalian) (#1437). ### 16.3.5 * Update Powerline line number and column number symbol (`U+E0A1`, `U+E0A2`) to follow other fonts’ design. ### 16.3.4 * Fix inconsistent serifs in Exists and Forall sign (#1435). ### 16.3.3 * Fix application of CV/SS on certain composites and some of the sample images (#1433). ### 16.3.2 * Fix alignment of Ogonek in LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK (`U+012F`) at with `'cv34' = 5` (#1431). * Fix soft dot of LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK (`U+012F`) (#1432). ### 16.3.1 * Fix shape of LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK (`U+0119`) (#1427). * Width grade will now influence marks' width. ### 16.3.0 * Add variant selector to remove notches for equality ligations (#1425). * Fix `cv40`'s application to CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER (`U+0440`) (#1426). ### 16.2.1 * Fix shape of `p` @ `motion-serifed` (#1423). ### 16.2.0 * Add ligation set for HTML/XML/React tags (`<>`, `` and ``) (#1413). ### 16.1.0 * Add characters: - HEAVY ROUND-TIPPED RIGHTWARDS ARROW (`U+279C`) (#1401). * Add ligation sets for Julia and Raku (#1386, #1391). ### 16.0.3 * Add characters: - HEAVY ROUND-TIPPED RIGHTWARDS ARROW (`U+279C`) (#1401). ### 16.0.2 * Fix mapping of MODIFIER LETTER VERTICAL LINE (`U+02C8`) and MODIFIER LETTER LOW VERTICAL LINE (`U+02CC`) (#1407). * Fix shape of LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CURL (`U+0236`) (#1408). * Fix `cv99` application on ELEMENT OF WITH DOT ABOVE (`U+22F5`) (#1409). * Fix `cv33` application on Hwair (`U+0195`) (#1410). * Fix letterform of Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe With Upturn under Italic. ### 16.0.1 * Fix `cv99` application on ASCII single quotes and graves (#1404). * Fix `cv44` application on certain t-derived letters (`U+01AB`, `U+0236`, `U+0288`, `U+1DB5`, and `U+20A7`) (#1405). * Fix shape of BLANK SYMBOL (`U+2422`, #1406). ### 16.0.0 * \[**Breaking**\] Change the mechanism of variants of not-equal ligation (#1400): - The "dotted" ligation groups (`exeqeq-dotted`, `eqexeq-dotted`, `eqexeq-dl-dotted`, `exeq-dotted`) are removed. - A character variant, "lig-neq" (feature tag `VXAF`), is added to control the shape instead. * Ensure that the middle point between Typo Ascender and Descender lies on the middle of symbols/operators (#1398).