* tm - tmux manager/helper This is a shell script used to ease day-to-day work with tmux (included with Slackware). It allows easy handling of various types of tmux sessions, as well as complex setups. It is mainly useful for using tmux as a ssh-multiplexer and replacement for clusterssh though its happy to do any other tmux session too. "tm" can be driven directly from the command line or by using repeatable session files. See /usr/doc/tm-yyyymmdd/README.org & examples/ To create a repeatable tm/tmux session file: create folder: ~.tmux.d create file: remotes (example) REMOTES NONE root@remote_host1 root@remote_host2 The stock Slackware /etc/tmux.conf file can be modified to work better with multiple tmux panes. These changes help if replacing clusterssh with tm/tmux. The lines below are copied from /usr/doc/tmux-x.x/example_tmux.conf and added to a stock Slackware /etc/tmux.conf. # Turn the mouse on, but without copy mode dragging set -g mouse on unbind -n MouseDrag1Pane unbind -Tcopy-mode MouseDrag1Pane # Keys to toggle monitoring activity in a window, and synchronize-panes bind m set monitor-activity bind y set synchronize-panes\; display 'synchronize-panes #{?synchronize-panes,on,off}'